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Triana Bridge

Puente de Triana, emblematic bridge of Seville.

The Guadalquivir river is one of the most important in Andalusia, as it runs through many of its most important cities such as Huelva, Cádiz and, of course, Seville. For many years, this river separated the Sevillians, but this would change with the arrival of the Triana Bridge, one of the busiest in the city.

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Seville tourist attractions

What was the first bridge over the Guadalquivir River in Seville?

During the time of expansion of the Roman Empire, the Iberian Peninsula was one of its many domains, so a great heritage of Latin culture and architecture can still be seen in both Spain and Portugal.

However, there were times when Roman ingenuity was not enough, and improvised solutions had to be thought of to solve transportation, commerce or navigation problems.

One of those occasions occurred when Roman architects tried to build a bridge over the section of the Guadalquivir River that runs through Seville. In this Andalusian city, the river bank is weak, and it was very difficult to maintain a standing structure.

When the Muslims conquered Andalusia, the need to unite Seville became inescapable, so the ruler Abu Yacub Yusuf ordered the construction of a provisional bridge. This predecessor of the Triana Bridge, made of barges, was for more than 700 years the only point of connection between the two banks of the Guadalquivir River.

Visit the Triana Bridge

How and when was the Triana Bridge created?

Although the barge bridge built in the 11th century lasted much longer than anticipated, it was quite fragile, and with each flood of the river it received further damage.


The Spanish government wanted to solve this problem, and began to plan the construction of a fixed bridge, which would be more stable and which would not succumb to the inclement weather and weather.


The construction project began in 1845, the architects in charge of building the Triana Bridge were inspired by an old passage that connected the banks of the Seine, in Paris.


Likewise, everyone involved in the works decided not to use wood, and instead built the bridge using the strongest materials available at the time, namely stone and metal.


When it was finished, the Triana Bridge was inaugurated with a great military parade. This event marked a milestone in the history of Seville, and currently the bridge is considered one of its most notorious and representative monuments.

How is the Triana Bridge

Why visit the Triana Bridge?

If you go to Seville, rest assured that you will pass through the Triana Bridge, since this is the main road that connects both parts of the city.


Likewise, the bridge begins in the Triana neighborhood, located in the Old Zone of Seville, so you can take a tour of some of the most famous and visited places in the Andalusian capital.


In addition, from the bridge you can see beautiful views of the Guadalquivir river, as well as the picturesque neighborhoods nearby.


One of the best times to visit the Triana Bridge is at sunset, when you see the sun setting just above the Sevillian horizon. Do not hesitate, come to Seville, and let yourself be captivated by all its charms.

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