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Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge, the bridge over the River Thames.

Today, London has 5 different bridges that cross the River Thames. However, the best known of them all is Tower Bridge. The Tower Bridge, as this construction is called in Spanish, has been standing since the end of the 19th century, and has become a symbol of London.

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Visit Tower Bridge

What is the history of Tower Bridge?

Throughout the nineteenth century, England experienced significant industrial growth, in which cities expanded and factories began to produce more and more. Some areas of London, which until now had remained sparsely inhabited, witnessed rapid population growth.


For this reason, the need to create new routes of circulation and access became very important. In this way, the idea of building a new bridge over the River Thames was born, which will facilitate pedestrian traffic and expand commercial roads.


The Tower Bridge was the solution, its construction began in 1886 and the bridge was inaugurated in 1894. Its elevated structure, of the tipping type, supported by two large towers, immediately became popular and became one of the most important symbols. representative of the London landscape.

Bridges of london

What is Tower Bridge like?

The Tower Bridge crosses the River Thames, the area where it is located is also an important crossing for boats, so the two bases that form the bridge’s pedestrian path can be raised, allowing boats to pass without any problem.


Similarly, Tower Bridge is a very busy vehicular route every day of the year. For a few decades, vehicle traffic has exceeded river traffic, but boats are always given right of way.


In addition, the Tower Bridge is a pedestrian crossing with a large influx of people. Its two towers, designed to support the weight of the entire structure, the vehicles that pass through it, the people who cross it and the hydraulic presses that raise the walkway, have become a very popular tourist attraction among visitors.


This bridge is also connected by an upper walkway, which is known for its famous glass floors.

Without neglecting its incredible road importance, Tower Bridge represents the difficult times that London had to go through during the Second World War. The bridge, like many other structures, was bombed but never fell.

Get to know the Tower Bridge

What to see on the Tower Bridge?

While you are walking around London, Tower Bridge is a must, at least if you want to go from one part of the city to another. You can cross walking, by car, or if you are more risky, go under it in a boat.


The towers of Tower Bridge are open to the public, but you have to pay a ticket to enter. From its walkway, vehicles and people can be seen passing through the bridge track.


Its interior structure preserves almost completely original parts, while others were remodeled in 2016, including the famous glass path.


If you want to live a whole London experience, and see the city from the heights, you cannot miss the opportunity to walk across Tower Bridge.

How to get

How is the Tower Bridge

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One Comment on “Tower Bridge

Kai Parker
30 de May de 2024 at 13:24

This was such a cool read! Tower Bridge is such an iconic spot in London, and your blog really captured its charm. Thanks for sharing these insights and tips for visiting. Can’t wait to explore it myself soon!


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