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Floralis Generica

Floralis Generica, a gift for all flowers.

In Buenos Aires, we can find one of the most curious sculptures in all of Argentina. It is the Floralis Generica, an impressive metal construction that reflects the beauty of natural flowers. Today, this sculpture is an emblem for the city, as well as one of its most important tourist spots.

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Sculptures of Buenos Aires

A tribute to Buenos Aires

When talking about Latin America, it is necessary to mention Buenos Aires, one of its most important cities. This large southern metropolis is home to some of the best-known monuments, buildings, avenues, and constructions in the entire region.


One of them is the Floralis Generica, a huge statue in the shape of a flower, made with large pieces of aluminum and designed with a mechanical system that allows its petals to open and close.


This sculptural work of art was a gift from the architect Eduardo Catelano, to the Argentine capital, his native city. Among other works by Catelano, the Ciudad Universitaria de Buenos Aires, the Edificio del Plata and the Ciudad Universitaria de Tucumán stand out.


Catelano began working at the Floralis Genérica at the end of 2001, and it was inaugurated on April 13, 2002.


Currently, the sculpture is part of the United Nations Square, and is one of the monuments, in addition to the Obelisk, most frequented by tourists visiting Buenos Aires.

Symbols of Buenos Aires

What does Generic Floralis mean?

The word floralis is the scientific term for flowers, which is why its name refers to all flowers in general. Catelano wanted to exemplify, through his work, the dynamism of the world today and the relationship it has with nature.


Likewise, this is one of the few mechanized sculptures that we can find in Argentina. The Floralis Generica has a sophisticated hydraulic system, with which its petals move. These, like those of natural flowers, open and close according to the sun position. That is, if it is daytime they are open and if it is night they are closed. In the same way, if the winds are very strong, it is also closed.


However, this mechanism suffered some damage, which prevented its petals from making their movements. Fortunately, the Floralis Generica was repaired in 2015, and its mechanical system was working properly again.


One of the reasons that Generic Floralis is so appreciated is because when closed, it emits a reddish light from inside. The light illuminates part of the square, and each day marks a new dawn.

Know Buenos Aires

Do you want to know Generic Floralis?

If you go for a walk to Buenos Aires, take the opportunity to visit this incredible work of sculptural art. Being a public monument, it can be visited at any time and on any day of the year.


In addition, the United Nations Plaza, where it is located, is one of the most vibrant and busiest green areas in the city, so there will always be something new to see, do or discover.


So prepare your tour of this unique South American capital, and don’t forget to include Floralis Generica in your itinerary. Seeing it open and close its petals, huge and metallic, while emitting its soft and warm light, is an experience that will undoubtedly fascinate you.

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How is Floralis Generica

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