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How to pack a travel bag

Tips and tricks for packing your travel bag.

Traveling is a pleasure, but to get to that moment when we just enjoy the holidays and discover the place where we are, we have to take some previous steps. The most important of them is to prepare the suitcase, since leaving home without it is complete madness. So that this is not a problem, here are the best tips and tricks for packing your travel bag.

Table of Contents

What you need in your travel suitcase

How to choose the ideal luggage?

Packing is not just a matter of taking several pieces of clothing and storing them in the closest backpack. Actually, it is an activity that can be quite fun, especially if you take the time to choose your luggage.


First of all, we must take into account the destination to which we will go, and the number of days that we will be there. For example, if it’s just a weekend getaway, a simple carry-on will suffice. On the contrary, when the trip lasts for several weeks, you have to pack with every detail in mind.


Next, we will share our tips and tricks for packing your travel bag. In this way, you will no longer have to worry about leaving the most important thing, while taking other things that will only add weight along the way. Let us begin!

The perfect suitcase

8 tips and tricks for packing your travel bag

What to bring and what not? Is there a difference if I travel by train or plane? How to render the luggage space? Don’t worry, you don’t need to ask yourself any more questions, come and discover the 8 best tips and tricks for packing your travel suitcase.


1. Make sure the suitcase is in good condition

Main step, before packing, you have to check the suitcase well, to make sure that it will not break or dismantle on the way.


2. Start with the essentials

Shirts, pants and underwear, that is the basic luggage for any traveler. Before storing any other object, you have to pack the essentials.


3. Leave what you don’t need

If you’ve never worn a specific item of clothing, or are sure you won’t write a single line in your journal while on vacation, then leave them at home. Avoid wasting luggage space on things you won’t need.


4. Take your time

A couple of days before the trip, you can make a small list where you write down everything you need. Also, start putting your belongings away before the deadline. Thus, when the day of leaving comes, you will have your luggage ready.


5. No crazy

Today, controls at airports and train stations are strict, so we must avoid carrying objects that could get us into trouble. Knives, knives, sharp tools, liquids and lighters, none of them can be in hand luggage or in the cabin.


6. Keep a free space

Do not travel with the suitcase full, it is very possible that you will return with one or more souvenirs, so it is an excellent idea to leave an unoccupied space for the new luggage.



7. Think about safety

Suitcases make their own journey when boarding, so pay attention to their safety. To prevent them from opening it, put a small padlock on the closures, and pay attention to any signs that indicate that your luggage was tampered with.


8. You will not leave forever

There are many tips and tricks for packing your travel bag, but the most important of them all is to remember that you will be coming home. Wherever you go, open shops, markets and pharmacies, so it is not necessary to make a total move, if you only go a couple of days.

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